- Dr. Leena Raje, Principal:
- Received the 'Abraham Lincoln Inspirational Headmaster Award'.
- Invited as Chief Guest for Annual Day Celebrations by Blue Ridge Public School, Pune on 3rd February, 2017.
- Invited as Key Note Speaker to talk on 'Health for All' for an Inter-Collegiate Student Research Competition organized on 6th February, 2017.
- Paper titled "Age at Menarche - Effect of Physical Activity on Diet" was published in the 'International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences' January, 2017 issue.
- Ms Archana Patki, Vice-Principal, and Head of the Psychology Department received the UGC – FIP for pursuing her doctoral studies.
- Mrs. Jyotsana Lal, Assistant Professor – Department of Economics was awarded Doctoral Degree in economics by the University of Mumbai.