Learning Resource Centres


The teaching learning activities of the institution are supported by a state of the art library well-equipped with texts and reference books, national and international journals and periodicals as well as electronic resources. The library is spread across an area of 5000 sq. ft. on the 3rd floor and split in to various functional areas such as the reading area, circulation area, periodicals section and the technical processing areas. The library is automated using SLIM 21 software and has a dedicated user friendly website wherein details about the resources, services, rules, membership, e-resources, etc have been provided for convenience of the users. For detailed information about the library please click here.

Psychology Laboratories

The college has 2 well equipped psychology laboratories for the UG and PG students on the 1st floor and on the 9th floor respectively. The labs are used for practical sessions by the department for training the students in various psychological assessment techniques and acquainting them with the concept of standardized tests. The laboratories are equipped with the appropriate apparatus and tests for conducting different psychological experiments.

Food Laboratory

To support the theoretical teaching in food science with appropriate practical experience, the college has a separate food lab. The food science lab is well equipped with refrigerators, oven, microwave oven as well as gas stoves. To ensure uninterrupted fuel supply the food lab is provided with piped gas. The food lab caters to the needs of young nutritionists in preparing and combining foods into nourishing meals, understanding the function of nutrients and preparing both normal and therapeutic diets.

Computer Lab

Exposure and hands-on working environment to such students, the college has adequately equipped computer labs with modern hardware and software and staffed with qualified personnel. There are in all 4 air conditioned computer laboratories on the campus with 102 computer workstations. They are fully networked with state of the art systems and servers. High internet speed, broadband internet connectivity has been provided computer labs with qualified technical staff to guide them.

An additional computer lab with 30 computers was established in 2006 on the first floor of the main building for providing compulsory computer training of 100 hours to the UG students.

Audio Visual Room

The institution has furnished air-conditioned and well equipped audio video room. The main purpose of having this facility for students is the fact that whatever is seen by our eyes is retained by the brain more effectively than just reading or listening to it. The AV Room is used to facilitate viewing of audio and video CDs/DVDs on a wide-range of subjects, Presentations, Guest lectures for the students as well as for organizing seminars, workshops and development programs for the faculty and the non-teaching staff.

Smart Classrooms

It is the constant endeavor of the institution to make available modern teaching aids to ensure that the students and the faculties have the very best means at their disposal. Responding to the need of the hour, technology enabled smart classrooms have been initiated which make the teaching-learning activity student-centric. There are 4 functional smart classrooms – 2 at the basic level and 2 for the advanced learners in the campus. The smart classrooms are equipped with the state-of-the art computer, interactive panel, large screen or interactive whiteboard (also called smartboard), and audiovisual equipment. They provide tools for faculty to incorporate a wide range of media in instruction thus making the teaching an interactive process. The smart classrooms connect students, teachers and devices to turn lessons into enriching learning experiences.

BAMM Studios

To cater primarily to the BAMM course the college has state of art audio and video editing studios on the ground floor in the main building. The same facility is extended to students and staff for sound editing/ recording for college functions. The technical specifications of the studios are as follows

Video Editing Studio: Mac Pro 3.1 Processor Quad Core Intel Xeon,Processor Speed 2.8 GHz Memory 4 GB RAM Editing Software: Final Cut Pro 7

The editing equipment is being upgraded to MAC Pro 6 Core (Intel Xeon Processor E5 with 12 mb cache. 16GB DDR3.256GB Hard Disk)

In addition, 10 windows i7 machines have been installed to facilitate Graphic designing Course which is also open to students other than BAMM

Sound Recording Studio:
Processor _Intel Core Quad
Processor Speed 2.40 GHz
Memory 3GB ram
Sound Editing 8 tracks and 16 channel Mixer (Macky) Sound Editing and Recording Software: Nuendo-4

Language Laboratory

Good communication skills are pre requisite these days. Being able to communicate well, Especially in English Language, has become essential in the lives of young studentswho aspireto seek placement in any company or institution.

The main purposeto have a Language Lab in our college is to help students from vernacular medium.It plays an important role to help studentsimprovetheir 4 pillars of language learning i.e.reading, writing, listening and speaking. It was implemented in the academic year 2017-2018 and 48 students successfully completed their language training.

The computers in our Language lab are installed with Data Linguistic Mentor Software and are alsoequipped with headsets and microphones.The electronic devices used in the laboratoryhelp students acquire the language quickly and easily.An English teacher provides assistance individually and collectively to the students.

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